Please help me in understanding the difference between how TaggedDocument
and LabeledSentence
of gensim
works. My ultimate goal is Text Classification using Doc2Vec
model and any classifier. I am following this blog!
class MyLabeledSentences(object):
def __init__(self, dirname, dataDct={}, sentList=[]):
self.dirname = dirname
self.dataDct = {}
self.sentList = []
def ToArray(self):
for fname in os.listdir(self.dirname):
with open(os.path.join(self.dirname, fname)) as fin:
for item_no, sentence in enumerate(fin):
self.sentList.append(LabeledSentence([w for w in sentence.lower().split() if w in stopwords.words('english')], [fname.split('.')[0].strip() + '_%s' % item_no]))
return sentList
class MyTaggedDocument(object):
def __init__(self, dirname, dataDct={}, sentList=[]):
self.dirname = dirname
self.dataDct = {}
self.sentList = []
def ToArray(self):
for fname in os.listdir(self.dirname):
with open(os.path.join(self.dirname, fname)) as fin:
for item_no, sentence in enumerate(fin):
self.sentList.append(TaggedDocument([w for w in sentence.lower().split() if w in stopwords.words('english')], [fname.split('.')[0].strip() + '_%s' % item_no]))
return sentList
sentences = MyLabeledSentences(some_dir_name)
model_l = Doc2Vec(min_count=1, window=10, size=300, sample=1e-4, negative=5, workers=7)
sentences_l = sentences.ToArray()
model_l.build_vocab(sentences_l )
for epoch in range(15): #
random.shuffle(sentences_l )
model.train(sentences_l )
model.alpha -= 0.002 # decrease the learning rate
model.min_alpha = model_l.alpha
sentences = MyTaggedDocument(some_dir_name)
model_t = Doc2Vec(min_count=1, window=10, size=300, sample=1e-4, negative=5, workers=7)
sentences_t = sentences.ToArray()
for epoch in range(15): #
model.alpha -= 0.002 # decrease the learning rate
model.min_alpha = model_l.alpha
My question is model_l.docvecs['some_word']
is same as model_t.docvecs['some_word']
Can you provide me weblink of good sources to get a grasp on how TaggedDocument
or LabeledSentence