<tooltip message="Click" content="preview"></tooltip>
<tooltip message="Tooltip 1" class="repeat-tooltip" content="Click tooltip 1 preview"></tooltip>
<tooltip trigger="hover" class="repeat-tooltip" message="Hover Tooltip" content="Hover tooltip preview"></tooltip>
New and trying to create a custom tooltip tag and only one tooltip will be active at a time.
<p class="tooltip-content" control="tooltip">{ message } ref="target"</p>
<div class="tooltip-wrapper" show={show_message} ref="content">
//inner html
Trying to use show toggling show_message value to display and hide the tooltips. But show_message is within the context of that particular elements click event. Onclick of a particular tooltip, how can I access other custom tag's context to hide the value of that particular element if that tooltip already open?
this.root.addEventListener('click', (e) => that.toggle_message(e));
this.toggle_message = function(e) {
//here close all other tooltips before opening this one. How can I access the refs of all the open tooltip?
this.show_message = !this.show_message;