I have spider that I have written using the Scrapy framework. I am having some trouble getting any pipelines to work. I have the following code in my pipelines.py:
class FilePipeline(object):
def __init__(self):
self.file = open('items.txt', 'wb')
def process_item(self, item, spider):
line = item['title'] + '\n'
return item
and my CrawlSpider subclass has this line to activate the pipeline for this class.
However when I run it using
scrapy crawl my_spider
I get a line that says
2010-11-03 20:24:06+0000 [scrapy] DEBUG: Enabled item pipelines:
with no pipelines (I presume this is where the logging should output them).
I have tried looking through the documentation but there doesn't seem to be any full examples of a whole project to see if I have missed anything.
Any suggestions on what to try next? or where to look for further documentation?