I have configured Sourcegear DiffMerge to be my default git merge tool using the following instructions:
git config --global diff.tool diffmerge
git config --global difftool.diffmerge.cmd "diffmerge \"\$LOCAL\" \"\$REMOTE\""
git config --global merge.tool diffmerge
git config --global mergetool.diffmerge.cmd "diffmerge --merge --result=\"\$MERGED\"
\"\$LOCAL\" \"\$BASE\" \"\$REMOTE\""
git config --global mergetool.diffmerge.trustexitcode false
Source: http://www.andrejkoelewijn.com/wp/2010/01/08/configure-diffmerge-with-git/
However when I run git mergetool
I get the following error:
What could be the cause of this issue?