We're moving away from TFS as a source control/build service.
We're now using TeamCity, and hosting our source on Git via BitBucket.
Can anyone point me to a decent article, blog, existing Stack question with a basic outline of the steps here to get a CI configuration up and running?
I've got a basic project setup in TeamCity, got it pulling the source from Git, but i'm trying to figure out how to setup NAnt as a build step to compile the code and publish it to my IIS website.
Any advice?
Just to be clear, the setup:
- Build server = TeamCity
- Source Control = Git (BitBucket)
- Application = ASP.NET MVC 3 Web Application
- Web Server = IIS 7
Appreciate any pointers.
The closest thing i've found it this: http://thecodedecanter.wordpress.com/2010/03/25/one-click-website-deployment-using-teamcity-nant-git-and-powershell/
But that involves the web server pulling the code from Git using powershell. I don't want that. I want TeamCity to pull the Git code and publish directly to my web server.