I'm learning Lua to build scripts for a flight simulator.
I have a CSV file that appear like this:
Poti city, Poti,red,-295731.42857144,617222.85714285
Lanchhuti city, Poti,red,-299217.14285715,647851.42857142
Ozurgeti city, Poti,red,-317217.14285715,648422.85714285
Samtredia city, Poti,red,-287502.85714287,672022.85714285
Abasha city, Poti,red,-284245.71428573,661108.57142857
Each lines contain 5 fields (city
, region
, coalition
, coordinate-x
and coordinate-y
in simulator coordinates reference system).
I need to read this file as a lua table that should looks like this:
citylist = {
["city"] = "Poti city",
["region"] = "Poti",
["coalition"] = "red",
["coordinate-x"] = -295731.42857144,
["coordinate-y"] = 617222.85714285,
{ ....... etcetc
I also have to do this for some different csv files, and I tried to look to some CSV function from luawiki, but I honestly do not understood much. Can you please write down an example of code that should work to parse the CSV file as expected?
PS: there are never any ' " '
character in the csv files.
ok the code from answer 1 seems to work but doesn't seems to build a table like above. As a newbie, I'll explain as best as I can.
I tried to parse this text:
123,Poty city,Poti,red,-295731.42857144,617222.85714285
124,Lanchhuti city,Poti,red,-299217.14285715,647851.42857142
125,Ozurgeti city,Poti,red,-317217.14285715,648422.85714285
126,Samtredia city,Poti,red,-287502.85714287,672022.85714285
with this code:
local OLo = io.open(lfs.writedir() .. "Logs/" .. "Objectivelist.txt", "r")
local Objectivelist = {}
for line in io.lines(OLo) do
local objID, objName, objRegion, objCoalition, objCoordx, objCoordy = line:match("%s*(.-),%s*(.-),%s*(.-),%s*(.-),%s*(.-),%s*(.-)")
Objectivelist[#Objectivelist + 1] = { ["objID"] = objID, ["objName"] = objName, ["objRegion"] = objRegion, ["objCoalition"] = objCoalition, ["objCoordx"] = objCoordx, ["objCoordy"] = objCoordy }
and then try to rebuild a little differe output for debug with this code:
local fName = "DGWS-DEBUG-objectivelist.doc"
local f = io.open(lfs.writedir() .. "Logs/" .. fName, "w")
local debugOBJ = ""
for ind, objData in pairs(Objectivelist) do
debugOBJ = debugOBJ.. objData.objID .. "," .. objData.objName .. "," .. objData.objRegion .. "," .. objData.objCoalition .. "," .. objData.objCoordx .. "," .. objData.objCoordy .. "\n"
well, it gives error in "for ind, objData in pairs(Objectivelist) do" line, saying that expect a table and got nil.
I don't understand where is the error :(, can you help me?.
thanks :)
PS: I don't know match codes, but I'll try to learn how to do stricter check for values as soon as the intended code will work :)
. – Sweltering