My goal is to create a "Visual Studio Extensibility" which adds a "Npm install" Context Menu Item to a package.json file.
So far, this works great if I open a solution, because I've added the [ProvideAutoLoad(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.UIContextGuids.SolutionExists)]
attribute to the Package class.
But it's not working if I open a Web Site (File->Open->Web Site...). Do you have any idea, how I can AutoLoad the Package.cs for every UI Context?
Edit: More information after further investigation: If I save the Web Site as a Solution, the "Initialize"-Method is called. But the BeforeQueryStatus of the MenuItem of package.json is not called. The solution structure looks like this:
If I add the package.json directly into the solution, the Context Menu Item appears. Structure:
-Solution Items
Any ideas?
<Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_ITEMNODE"/>
– Dap