After importing a Subversion repository with multiple years of history, I ran into a similar problem with bloat from lots of binary assets. In git: shrinking Subversion import, I describe trimming my git repo from 4.5 GiB to around 100 MiB.
Assuming you want to delete from all commits the files removed in “Delete media files” (6fe87d), you can adapt the approach from my blog post to your repo:
$ git filter-branch -d /dev/shm/git --index-filter \
"git rm --cached -f --ignore-unmatch media/Optika.1.3.?.*; \
git rm --cached -f --ignore-unmatch media/lens.svg; \
git rm --cached -f --ignore-unmatch media/lens_simulation.swf; \
git rm --cached -f --ignore-unmatch media/v.html" \
--tag-name-filter cat --prune-empty -- --all
Your github repo doesn't have any tags, but I include a tag-name filter in case you have private tags.
The git filter-branch
documentation covers the --prune-empty
Some kinds of filters will generate empty commits that leave the tree untouched. This switch allows git-filter-branch
to ignore such commits …
Using this option means your rewritten history will not contain a “Delete media files” commit because it no longer affects the tree. The media files are never created in the new history.
At this point, you'll see duplication in your repository due to another documented behavior.
The original refs, if different from the rewritten ones, will be stored in the namespace refs/original/
If you're happy with the newly rewritten history, then delete the backup copies.
$ git for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" refs/original/ | \
xargs -n 1 git update-ref -d
Git is vigilant about protecting your work, so even after all this intentional rewriting and deleting the reflog is keeping the old commits alive. Purge them with a sequence of two commands:
$ git reflog expire --verbose --expire=0 --all
$ git gc --prune=0
Now your local repository is ready, but you need to push the updates to GitHub. You could do them one at a time. For a local branch, say master, you'd run
$ git push -f origin master
Say you don't have a local issue5 branch any more. Your clone still has a ref called origin/issue5 that tracks where it is in your GitHub repository. Running git filter-branch
modifies all the origin refs too, so you can update GitHub without a branch.
$ git push -f origin origin/issue5:issue5
If all your local branches match their respective commits on the GitHub side (i.e., no unpushed commits), then you can perform a bulk update.
$ git for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" refs/remotes/origin/ | \
grep -v 'HEAD$' | perl -pe 's,^refs/remotes/origin/,,' | \
xargs -n 1 -I '{}' git push -f origin 'refs/remotes/origin/{}:{}'
The output of the first stage is a list of refnames:
$ git for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" refs/remotes/origin/
We don't want the HEAD pseudo-ref and remove it with grep -v
. For the rest, we use Perl to strip off the refs/remotes/origin/
prefix and for each one run a command of the form
$ git push -f origin refs/remotes/origin/BRANCH:BRANCH
git merge
instead? – Voguish