I have a production Azure website that I deployed a few days ago. I saw the "Availability" section in application insights (configured server side AI and client side AI is enabled right now) and through the new portal (portal.azure.com) I decided to set up availability "ping" test.
I left the majority of the settings at the default, Test Type was URL ping test, the URL is set to the root of my app, and frequency is 5 minutes. I left the test locations to the default of 5 in the different US regions.
What I noticed was that all the tests failed and I saw a lot of requests in my app for GET / with a status of 404. Since it was filling up my application insights request log with junk, and the availability test registered all failures, I deleted the availability test. Annoyingly after deleting, I noticed it was still there after refreshing the page, so I deleted it again and now it shows as "Not configured" and seems to be truly gone.
Before I deleted the availability test, I saw all these GET / requests in my AI logs and I looked at their IP addresses, they indeed seemed to come from the different US regions.
After I deleted the test, I assumed they would all stop. Unfortunately that did not happen, all but 1 of the 5 ping tests stopped but the one from with IP address as ::1 still seems to be happening. For almost a week that ping test still occurs every 5 minutes even though I deleted it.
How to remove the availability test completely from application insights?