If randomness isn't a major concern, you could use a linear congruential generator. Since an LCG won't produce a maximal length sequences when the modulus is a prime number, you would need to choose a larger modulus (the next highest power of 2 would be an obvious choice) and skip any values outside the required range.
I'm afraid C# isn't really my thing, but hopefully the following Python is self-explanatory. It will need a bit of tweaking if you want to generate sequences over very small ranges:
# randint(a, b) returns a random integer in the range (a..b) (inclusive)
from random import randint
def lcg_params(u, v):
# Generate parameters for an LCG that produces a maximal length sequence
# of numbers in the range (u..v)
diff = v - u
if diff < 4:
raise ValueError("Sorry, range must be at least 4.")
m = 2 ** diff.bit_length() # Modulus
a = (randint(1, (m >> 2) - 1) * 4) + 1 # Random odd integer, (a-1) divisible by 4
c = randint(3, m) | 1 # Any odd integer will do
return (m, a, c, u, diff + 1)
def generate_pseudorandom_sequence(rmin, rmax):
(m, a, c, offset, seqlength) = lcg_params(rmin, rmax)
x = 1 # Start with a seed value of 1
result = [] # Create empty list for output values
for i in range(seqlength):
# To generate numbers on the fly without storing them in an array,
# just run the following while loop to fetch a new number
while True:
x = (x * a + c) % m # Iterate LCG until we get a value in the
if x < seqlength: break # required range
result.append(x + offset) # Add this value to the list
return result
>>> generate_pseudorandom_sequence(1, 20)
[4, 6, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 5, 14, 7, 16, 9, 18, 11, 20, 13, 15, 17, 19, 2]