Let's say I have a tweet I'll like to translate through the google api.
Text: #sf #fiesta #verano #baile #vamos Fiesta aquí 😎 @my_friend
I'm sending the following to the API endpoint https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2
{1 /} {2 /} {3 /} {4 /} {5 /} Fiesta aquí 😎 {0 /}
This is the response:
{1} {2} {3}} {4} {5}} party over here {0}
This is not what I expected. However, I would like to put in placeholders otherwise the actual hashtags get translated and that doesn't point to the same results as the original tweet.
There's no mention of placeholders on the API docs, so I guess I'm not too surprised that it failed. Maybe they aren't supported. The only thing I've found is this and I'm not sure that it's related.
Is there a documented way to get this working ?