If I try to install the latest version of aiobotocore pip3 install aiobotocore==0.10.3
it says my version of botocore is incompatible and I need an older version of it.
ERROR: aiobotocore 0.10.3 has requirement botocore<1.12.190,>=1.12.189, but you'll have botocore 1.12.224 which is incompatible.
So if I change my version of botocore to 1.12.189, it breaks awscli
and boto3
ERROR: boto3 1.9.224 has requirement botocore<1.13.0,>=1.12.224, but you'll have botocore 1.12.189 which is incompatible.
ERROR: awscli 1.16.234 has requirement botocore==1.12.224, but you'll have botocore 1.12.189 which is incompatible.
It doesn't seem like there are versions of the packages that would work with them all. Can someone tell me what versions are all compatible? And is there any way for pip for automatically determine this?
from github then modifysetup.py
, change'botocore>=1.12.189,<1.12.190'
. Then runpip3 install .
. Maybe it's compatible. – Eraser