From my experience, the trick to using asyncio is to create your layout ahead of time, using empty widgets where you need to display async info. The async coroutine would take in these empty slots and fill them out. This should help you create a more complex application.
Then the command can become the last streamlit action taken. Any streamlit commands after this wouldn't be processed, as you have observed.
I would also recommend to arrange any input widgets outside of the async function, during the initial layout, and then send in the widget output for processing. Of course you could draw your input widgets inside the function, but the layout then might become tricky.
If you still want to have your input widgets inside your async function, you'd definitely have to put them outside of the while loop, otherwise you would get duplicated widget error. (You might try to overcome this by creating new widgets all the time, but then the input widgets would be "reset" and interaction isn't achieved, let alone possible memory issue.)
Here's a complete example of what I mean:
import asyncio
import pandas as pd
import as px
import streamlit as st
from datetime import datetime
CHOICES = [1, 2, 3]
def main():
# layout your app beforehand, with st.empty
# for the widgets that the async function would populate
graph = st.empty()
radio ='Choose', CHOICES, horizontal=True)
table = st.empty()
# async run the draw function, sending in all the
# widgets it needs to use/populate, graph, table))
except Exception as e:
# some additional code to handle user clicking stop
# this doesn't actually get called, I think :(
table.write('User clicked stop!')
async def draw_async(choice, graph, table):
# must send in all the streamlit widgets that
# this fn would interact with...
# this could possibly work, but layout is tricky
# choice2 ='Choose 2', CHOICES)
while True:
# this would not work because you'd be creating duplicated
# radio widgets
# choice3 ='Choose 3', CHOICES)
timestamp =
sec = timestamp.second
graph_df = pd.DataFrame({
'x': [0, 1, 2],
'y': [max(CHOICES), choice, choice*sec/60.0],
'color': ['max', 'current', 'ticking']
df = pd.DataFrame({
'choice': CHOICES,
'current_choice': len(CHOICES)*[choice],
'time': len(CHOICES)*[timestamp]
graph.plotly_chart(, x='x', y='y', color='color'))
_ = await asyncio.sleep(1)
if __name__ == '__main__':