Our office uses 2 IMAP servers for e-mail, one is the incoming server and holds the recent e-mails and the other is an archive server. We mainly use Outlook 2010 and our current process is to periodically drag sent messages from the incoming server to the archive.
Today I was asked into looking into writing a script and that would periodically (probably using crontab) grab all sent messages and move them to archive.
I've looked into some example of SSL or telnet to access the server and poke around. However I don't know the best way to script this or how to move files cross server within the IMAP environment.
What's the best way to accomplish this? I'd prefer to use Python just from comfort level, but if there is already an existing solution in another language, I could deal with it.
Ok, here's some code. Currently It copies the messages just fine, however, it will duplicate exisiting messages on the archive server.
import imaplib
import sys
#copy from
f_server = 'some.secret.ip.address'
f_username = '[email protected]'
f_password = 'password'
f_box_name = 'Sent Messages'
#copy to
t_server = 'archive.server.i.p'
t_username = 'username'
t_password = 'password'
t_box_name = 'test'
To = imaplib.IMAP4(t_server)
To.login(t_username, t_password)
print 'Logged into mail server'
From = imaplib.IMAP4(f_server)
From.login(f_username, f_password)
print 'Logged into archive'
From.select(f_box_name) #open box which will have its contents copied
print 'Fetching messages...'
typ, data = From.search(None, 'ALL') #get all messages in the box
msgs = data[0].split()
sys.stdout.write(" ".join(['Copying', str(len(msgs)), 'messages']))
for num in msgs: #iterate over each messages id number
typ, data = From.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')
To.append(t_box_name, None, None, data[0][1]) #add a copy of the message to the archive box specified above
Some sources:
Doug Hellman's Blog: imaplib - IMAP4 Client Library
Tyler Lesmann's Blog: Copying IMAP Mailboxes with Python and imaplib
I still need to:
- delete/expunge messages on the live server
- not copy duplicates (actually this would be fixed by deleting originals after copying, but...)
- error trapping
Update 2:
Anyone have any ideas on how to not create duplicates when copying? (excluding the option of deleting originals, for now) I thought about searching text, but realized nested replies could throw that off.