I'm trying to write a program in Mathematica that will simulate the way charged ball bearings spread out when they are charged with like charges (they repel each other). My program so far keeps the ball bearings from moving off the screen, and counts the number of times they hit the side of the box. I have the ball bearings moving randomly around the box so far, but I need to know how to make them repel each other.
Here's my code so far:
(*If the number of points has been reduced, discard points*)
If[ballcount < Length[contents],
contents = Take[contents, ballcount]];
(*If the number of points has been increased, generate some random points*)
If[ballcount > Length[contents],
contents =
Table[{RandomReal[{-size, size}, {2}], {Cos[#], Sin[#]} &[
RandomReal[{0, 2 \[Pi]}]]}, {ballcount - Length[contents]}]]];
(*Draw the container*)
Line[size {{-1, -1}, {1, -1}, {1, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, -1}}],
Blend[{Blue, Red}, charge/0.3],
(*Start the main dynamic actions*)
(*Reset the collision counter*)
collision = 0;
(*Check for mouse interaction and add points if there has been one*)
If[pt =!= lastpt, If[ballcount =!= 50, ballcount++];
contents, {pt, {Cos[#], Sin[#]} &[
RandomReal[{0, 2 \[Pi]}]]}]; lastpt = pt],
TrackedSymbols -> {pt}];
(*Update the position of the points using their velocity values*)
contents = Map[{#[[1]] + #[[2]] charge, #[[2]]} &, contents];
(*Check for and fix points that have exceeded the box in Y
direction, incrementing the collision counter for each one*)
contents = Map[
If[Abs[#[[1, 2]]] > size,
collision++; {{#[[1, 1]],
2 size Sign[#[[1, 2]]] - #[[1, 2]]}, {1, -1} #[[
2]]}, #] &,
(*Check for and fix points that have exceeded the box in X
direction, incrementing the collision counter for each one*)
contents = Map[
If[Abs[#[[1, 1]]] > size,
collision++; {{2 size Sign[#[[1, 1]]] - #[[1, 1]], #[[1,
2]]}, {-1, 1} #[[2]]}, #] &,
hits = Take[PadLeft[Append[hits, collision/size], 200], 200];
Map[First, contents]]]},
PlotRange -> {{-1.01, 1.01}, {-1.01, 1.01}},
ImageSize -> {250, 250}],
(*Show the hits*)
Take[MovingAverage[hits, smooth], -100
Joined -> True, ImageSize -> {250, 250}, AspectRatio -> 1,
PlotLabel -> "number of hits", AxesLabel -> {"time", "hits"},
PlotRange -> {0, Max[Max[hits], 1]}], Graphics[]
{{pt, {0, 1}}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}, Locator, Appearance -> None},
{{ballcount, 5, "number of ball bearings"}, 1, 50, 1},
{{charge, 0.05, "charge"}, 0.002, 0.3},
{smooth, 1, ControlType -> None, Appearance -> None},
{size, 1, ControlType -> None, Appearance -> None},
{hits, {{}}, ControlType -> None},
{contents, {{}}, ControlType -> None},
{lastpt, {{0, 0}}, ControlType -> None}