So I have a two models like this
class ModelParent
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, :type => String
has_one :model_child
class ModelChild
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, :type => String
belongs_to :model_parent
Assuming I have an persisted instance of ModelParent called mp in the rails console
mc = mp.create_model_child(:name=>"child")
and then do
it returns a valid object
however if I search for it like this:
ModelParent.where( => nil).length
it returns 0
I've tried creating model_child and then assigning it, also using build_model_child(), and each method shows model_child is clearly in the parent, however the query for not nil (.ne) fails to find all ModelParents with children.
What am I doing wrong?
Answering my own question. I'm still unsure why the => nil is not working, however...
I solved the problem by coding something like this:
def self.with_child
user_ids = ModelChild.all.only(:model_parent_id).map(&:model_parent_id)
return ModelParent.where( => user_ids).all