Using tinkerpop blueprints API, what is the best way to find if an edge exists between two vertices? I would like to avoid vertex.getEdges()
and iterate until find the right one.
E.g.: Check if v1
is friend of v2
Vertex v1 = g.addVertex(null);
Vertex v2 = g.addVertex(null);
Edge edge = g.addEdge(null, v1, v2, "friends");
Edge edge = g.addEdge(null, v1, v2, "follows");
// Node with lots of edges - Supernode - problem?
List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<Edge>();
for(Edge edge : g.getVertex(v1.getId()).getEdges(Direction.OUT, "friends")){
Should I use Vertex Query?
Via gremlin I could do:
g.v(v1.getID()).outE("friends").inV.filter{ == v2.getID}
IndexHits<Relationship> relationships = relationshipIndex().get("type", edgeType, node1, node2);
Thanks for the help! I am still new to this.
graphContext.testIncidence(projectVertex(), archiveVertex, "uses");
– Kiwi