When I run the following command on my windows command line mocha --reporter spec > report.html
I get something that I cannot really use in my browser.
[0m Routes[0m
[32m √[0m[90m all GET routes should be bound to a function [0m
[32m √[0m[90m all POST routes should be bound to a function [0m
[32m √[0m[90m should have one for creating CU [0m
[0m Database[0m
[32m √[0m[90m should be online, connectable and the right one [0m[31m(156ms)[0m
[0m HTTPS API[0m
[0m authentication[0m
[32m √[0m[90m is mandatory [0m[31m(1109ms)[0m
[0m entity[0m
[32m √[0m[90m lookup should work [0m[31m(172ms)[0m
[36m - creation should work[0m
[0m Website[0m
[0m pages[0m
[32m √[0m[90m should contain quite a few of them [0m
[32m √[0m[90m all of them should have internal links to existing pages [0m
[92m [0m[32m 8 passing[0m[90m (2s)[0m
[36m [0m[36m 1 pending[0m
I would like some output as shown in this example http://visionmedia.github.io/mocha/example/tests.html which actually combines documentation together with the test result. Just the test result would be enough for me.
All searches that I do tell me about code coverage to get html, but I don't want that for now. I only need a html report out of Mocha (testing my node application) that I can view in my browser. Of course I can make something myself, but this seems trivial so I expect somebody to have created a custom reporter.