A project I am working on has a pub/sub server with an HTTP interface. Subscription works by accepting server-sent-events.
curl -X GET server:port/topics/news
which will be pushed whenever a message is published to the given topic URL
curl -X PUT server:port/topics/news -d "Politician Lies!"
I have a scala project which needs to subscribe to this pub/sub server. The Play! framework is able to handle this by using PlayWS with Enumeratee + Iteratee. Unfortunately, the PlayWS library requires that a Play! Application is in scope and I am not using Play. Is there a library (with minimal dependancies) I can use which allows me to accept server-sent-events? I'll need at least one working example in order to get started.
I have a preference for scala libraries but I'm willing to accept a Java solution if I have to.