I try to simplify validation process for serving responses for HTTP requests in Spray (I use Slick for database access). Currently, I check in one query if I should go further to the following query or not (return error). This end up with nested pattern matching. Every validation case can return different error so I can not use any flatMap.
class LocationDao {
val db = DbProvider.db
// Database tables
val devices = Devices.devices
val locations = Locations.locations
val programs = Programs.programs
val accessTokens = AccessTokens.accessTokens
def loginDevice(deviceSerialNumber: String, login: String, password: String): Either[Error, LocationResponse] = {
try {
db withSession { implicit session =>
val deviceRowOption = devices.filter(d => d.serialNumber === deviceSerialNumber).map(d => (d.id, d.currentLocationId.?, d.serialNumber.?)).firstOption
deviceRowOption match {
case Some(deviceRow) => {
val locationRowOption = locations.filter(l => l.id === deviceRow._2.getOrElse(0L) && l.login === login && l.password === password).firstOption
locationRowOption match {
case Some(locationRow) => {
val programRowOption = programs.filter(p => p.id === locationRow.programId).firstOption
programRowOption match {
case Some(programRow) => {
val program = Program(programRow.name, programRow.logo, programRow.moneyLevel, programRow.pointsForLevel,
programRow.description, programRow.rules, programRow.dailyCustomerScansLimit)
val locationData = LocationData(program)
val locationResponse = LocationResponse("access_token", System.currentTimeMillis(), locationData)
case None => Left(ProgramNotExistError)
case None => Left(IncorrectLoginOrPasswordError)
case None => Left(DeviceNotExistError)
} catch {
case ex: SQLException =>
What is a good way to simplify this? Maybe there is other approach..
you'll be able to use for comprehension. – Preston