I have a Grails domain called People, and I want to check that each People has childs or not. Childs are other People objects. Here is my domain structure:
class People implements Serializable {
static constraints = {
name (nullable : false, unique : true)
createdBy (nullable : false)
creationDate (nullable : false)
static transients = ['hasChild']
static mapping = {
table 'PEOPLE'
id generator: 'sequence', params : [sequence : 'SEQ_PK_ID']
columns {
id column : 'APEOPLE_ID'
parentPeople column : 'PARENT_PEOPLE_ID'
parentPeople lazy : false
People parentPeople
String name
String description
Boolean hasChild() {
def childPeoples = People.createCriteria().count {
eq ('parentPeople', People)
return (childPeoples > 0)
But I cannot call people.hasChild() at anywhere. Could you please helpe me on this? Thank you so much!