So, I've done a bit of reading around the forums about AssetBundles and the Resources folder in Unity 3D, and I can't figure out the optimal solution for the problem I'm facing. Here's the problem:
I've got a program designed for standalone, that loads "books" full of .png and .jpg images. The pages are, at the moment, the same every time the program starts. At the start of the scene for any "book", it's loading all those images at once using www.texture and a path. I'm realizing now, however, that this is possibly an non-performant method for accessing things at runtime -- it's slow! Which means the user can't do anything for 5-20 seconds while the scene starts and the book's page images load up (on non-legendary computers). SO, I can't figure out which of the three things would be the fastest:
1) Loading one asset bundle per book (say 20 textures @ 1 mb each).
2) Loading one asset bundle per page (1 mb each).
3) Either of the first two options, but loaded from the resources folder.
Which one would be faster, and why? I understand that asset bundles are packaged by unity, but does this mean that the textures inside will be pre-compressed and easier on memory at load time? Does the resources folder cause less load time? What gives? As I understand it, the resources folder loads into a cache -- but is it the same cache that the standalone player uses normally? Or is this extra, unused space? I guess another issue is that I'm not sure what the difference is between loading things from memory and storing them in the cache.
Cheers, folks...