This issue seeme to be with the precision settings for cqlsh.
The cassandra is storing the values properly , but when you query it through cqlsh , the precision point settings are rounding it off.
Read about the cqlshrc options about the precision points for more information : cqlshrc
The following are the default cqlshrc settings :
;; The number of digits displayed after the decimal point for single and double
precision numbers
;; (note that increasing this to large numbers can result in unusual values)
;float_precision = 5
Check the following example :
create table temp(id int , "val" float ,PRIMARY KEY (id));
insert into temp(id,val) values(1,1.234567);
Select before setting float_precision :
select * from temp;
id | val
1 | 1.23457
Select after setting float_precision to 6 :
select * from temp;
id | val
1 | 1.234567