In my WPF appliation, I have property defined as following
[Required(AllowEmptyStrings =false, ErrorMessageResourceName ="Msg1", ErrorMessageResourceType =typeof(*<AssemblyName>*.Resources.*<ResourceFileName>*))]
public string Name
return _name;
if (_name == value)
_name = value;
I have my error messages defined in separate assembly which has resource file for different cultures e.g. Resources.resx, Resources.en-GB.Resx,, Resources.en-US.Resx, etc.
With above code in place, I'm able to retrieve the error message from default resource file in my satellite assembly but I don't see any provision to find the string resource from culture specific resource file. What I mean is if my CurrentUICluture is set as english(United Kingdom) then I want to retrieve the resource value from the file "Resources.en-GB.Resx" instead of the default file (i.e. Resources.Resx).
I don't see any way to pass the culture info in the Required attribute definition. Also, I have tested that it is not inherently look into the culture specific resource file based on the current culture set.
What I want is some way to make the resource retrieval mechanism culture aware.