When there are Sum(), min(), max(), avg(), count() functions, can someone help understand why there is no product() built-in function. And what will be the most efficient user-implementation of this aggregate function ?
Thanks, Trinity
When there are Sum(), min(), max(), avg(), count() functions, can someone help understand why there is no product() built-in function. And what will be the most efficient user-implementation of this aggregate function ?
Thanks, Trinity
If you have exponential and log functions available, then:
PRODUCT(TheColumn) = EXP(SUM(LN(TheColumn)))
is of type BINARY_DOUBLE
, or use CAST(TheColumn AS BINARY_DOUBLE)
on the fly. I've noticed a 100x performance improvement in a simple test –
It I'll focus on the question why it's not a standard function.
It's probably left out because most people don't need it and it can be defined easily in most databases.
Solution for PostgreSQL:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION product_sfunc(state numeric, factor numeric)
RETURNS numeric AS $$
SELECT $1 * $2
$$ LANGUAGE sql;
sfunc = product_sfunc,
basetype = numeric,
stype = numeric,
initcond = '1'
You can simulate product() using cursors. If you let us know which database platform you're using, then we might be able to give you some sample code.
I can confirm that it is indeed rare to use a product()
aggregate function, but I have a quite valid example, especially working with highly aggregated data that must be presented to users in a report.
It utilizes the exp(sum(ln( multiplyTheseColumnValues )))
"trick" as mentioned in another post and other internet sources.
The report (which should care about the display, and contain as least data calculation logic as possible, to provide better maintainability and flexibility) is basically displaying this data along with some graphics:
---------------------------------- ----------
money available in 2013 33233235.3
money spent in 2013 4253235.3
money bound to contracts in 2013 34333500
money spent 2013 in % of available 12
money bound 2013 in % of available 103
(In real life its a bit more complex and used in state budget scenarios.)
It aggregates quite some complex data found in the first 3 rows. I do not want to calculate the percentage values of the following rows (4th and 5th) by:
and a number sum
) with some fancy logic (using JasperReports
, BIRT Reports
or alike)money available
, money spent
, money bound
) multiple times (since these are quite expensive operations) just to calculate the percentage valuesSo I used another trick involving the use of the product()-functionality. (If somebody does know of a better way to achive this considering the above mentioned restrictions, I would be happy to know :-) )
The whole simplified example is available as one executable SQL below. Maybe it could help convice some Oracle guys that this functionality is not as rare, or not worth providing, as it may seem at first thoughts.
-- we have some 10g database without pivot/unpivot functionality
-- what is interesting for various summary reports
sum_data_meta as (
select 'MA' as sum_id, 'money available in 2013' as descr, 1 as agg_lvl from dual
union all select 'MS', 'money spent in 2013', 1 from dual
union all select 'MB', 'money bound to contracts in 2013', 1 from dual
union all select 'MSP', 'money spent 2013 in % of available', 2 from dual
union all select 'MBP', 'money bound 2013 in % of available', 2 from dual
/* select * from sum_data_meta
------ ---------------------------------- -------
MA money available in 2013 1
MS money spent in 2013 1
MB money bound to contracts in 2013 1
MSP money spent 2013 in % of available 2
MBP money bound 2013 in % of available 2
-- 1st level of aggregation with the base data (the data actually comes from complex (sub)SQLs)
,sum_data_lvl1_base as (
select 'MA' as sum_id, 33233235.3 as sum from dual
union all select 'MS', 4253235.3 from dual
union all select 'MB', 34333500 from dual
/* select * from sum_data_lvl1_base
------ ----------
MA 33233235.3
MS 4253235.3
MB 34333500.0
-- 1st level of aggregation with enhanced meta data infos
,sum_data_lvl1 as (
from sum_data_meta m
left outer join sum_data_lvl1_base b on (b.sum_id=m.sum_id)
/* select * from sum_data_lvl1
---------------------------------- ---------- ------- ------
money available in 2013 33233235.3 1 MA
money spent in 2013 4253235.3 1 MS
money bound to contracts in 2013 34333500.0 1 MB
money spent 2013 in % of available - 2 MSP
money bound 2013 in % of available - 2 MBP
when agg_lvl < 2 then sum
when agg_lvl = 2 then -- our level where we have to calculate some things based on the previous level calculations < 2
when sum_id = 'MSP' then
-- we want to calculate MS/MA by tricky aggregating the product of
-- (MA row:) 1/33233235.3 * (MS:) 4253235.3/1 * (MB:) 1/1 * (MSP:) 1/1 * (MBP:) * 1/1
trunc( -- cut of fractions, e.g. 12.7981 => 12
exp(sum(ln( -- trick simulating product(...) as mentioned here: https://mcmap.net/q/391523/-is-there-a-product-function-like-there-is-a-sum-function-in-oracle-sql
case when sum_id = 'MS' then sum else 1 end
/ case when sum_id = 'MA' then sum else 1 end
)) over ()) -- "over()" => look at all resulting rows like an aggregate function
* 100 -- % display style
when sum_id = 'MBP' then
-- we want to calculate MB/MA by tricky aggregating the product as shown above with MSP
case when sum_id = 'MB' then sum else 1 end
/ case when sum_id = 'MA' then sum else 1 end
)) over ())
* 100
else -1 -- indicates problem
else null -- will be calculated in a further step later on
end as sum,
from sum_data_lvl1
---------------------------------- ---------- ------- ------
money available in 2013 33233235.3 1 MA
money spent in 2013 4253235.3 1 MS
money bound to contracts in 2013 34333500 1 MB
money spent 2013 in % of available 12 2 MSP
money bound 2013 in % of available 103 2 MBP
functionality is again becoming very rare :-) ... https://mcmap.net/q/1329988/-how-to-best-calculate-n-level-aggregation-data-based-on-n-1-level-data-oracle –
Sudiesudnor Since the Product is noting but the multiple of SUM, so in SQL they didnot introduce the Product aggregate function
For example: 6 * 4 can be acheived by
either adding 6, 4 times to itself like 6+6+6+6
adding 4, 6 times to itself like 4+4+4+4+4+4
thus giving the same result
function in Excel or on the TI-89, to multiply together all of the values in a column. Your answer doesn't do that. –
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