Using Delphi 2010 and a TStringGrid component, I currently display five filds from a database query.
Here is a simplied example of what i am doing
//set up the grid
procedure TGriddata.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
grdMain.ColWidths[0]:= 50;
grdMain.ColWidths[1]:= 175;
grdMain.ColWidths[2]:= 175;
grdMain.ColWidths[3]:= 100;
grdMain.ColWidths[4]:= 300;
//display the data in the grid //note, I am not showing my creation, execution, or destroy of the query
procedure TGriddata.load;
grdMain.Cells[0,row]:= FieldByName('one').AsString;
grdMain.Cells[1,row]:= FieldByName('two').AsString;
grdMain.Cells[2,row]:= FieldByName('three').AsString;
grdMain.Cells[3,row]:= FieldByName('four').AsString;
//draw progress bar here
One of the columns ("Five") needs to display a navy blue horizontal bar in the col. It should also diplay some text centered in the bar. I have no expereince using the custom drawing. What properties do i set to only custom draw the one column and use the default drawing for the other columns?