I would like to move a small image from one server to another (both running node). As I search, I haven't found enough. This post remains unanswered.
As I started experimenting I wrote the following to the first server :
app.post("/move_img", function(req, res) {
console.log("post handled");
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/img_to_move.jpg", function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
needle.post(server2 + "/post_img", {
data: data,
name : "test.jpg"
}, function(result) {
This part seems to be working as I could be writing the data in the same server (using fs.writeFile) recreate the img.
Now as I am trying to handle the post in the other server I have a problem.
app.post('/post_img', [ multer({ dest: './uploads/images'}), function(req, res) {
console.log("body ",req.body) // form fields
console.log("files ",req.files) // form files
res.send("got it");
This way i get an empty object in the files and the following in the body: { 'headers[Content-Type]': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'headers[Content-Length]': '45009' }
I think I could use busboy as an alternative but I can't make it to work. Any advice, tutorial would be welcome.