How to make foreign key using gorm
Asked Answered



I have those two models:

User model:

type User struct {
    Email    string `gorm:"column:email" json:"email"`
    Password string `gorm:"column:password" json:"-"`

func (User) TableName() string {
    return "t_user"

User info model:

type UserInfo struct {
    User      User   `gorm:"foreignkey:u_id;association_foreignkey:id"`
    UID       uint   `gorm:"column:u_id" json:"-"`
    FirstName string `gorm:"column:first_name" json:"first_name"`
    LastName  string `gorm:"column:last_name" json:"last_name"`
    Phone     string `gorm:"column:phone" json:"phone"`
    Address   string `gorm:"column:address" json:"address"`

func (UserInfo) TableName() string {
    return "t_user_info"

and I want to make UID related to the id of the user table.

this is the function that creates the user:

func (dao *AuthDAO) Register(rs app.RequestScope, user *models.User, userInfo *models.UserInfo) (userErr error, userInfoErr error) {
    createUser := rs.Db().Create(&user)
    userInfo.UID = user.ID
    createUserInfo := rs.Db().Create(&userInfo)

    return createUser.Error, createUserInfo.Error

I did try what gorm wrote on the documentation, but without success:

Jeffrey answered 26/10, 2018 at 18:10 Comment(11)
What did you try?Henrion
@Devon the "Belongs To" sectionJeffrey
Yeah... what in that section? You didn't include any relationship in your above code.Henrion
@Devon, sorry, you right. I edited the code. thanks.Jeffrey
The foreignkey should be UID, the association foreign key shouldn't be needed if it's id.Henrion
@Devon this is not working alsoJeffrey
So you have gorm:"foreignkey:UID"? How are you trying to retrieve the relationship? Any errors?Henrion
@Devon edited the question with the creation function. I don't have any errors. the user created but UID isn't a foreign key (i can change it to any id i wants without any error)Jeffrey
So you're concerned about the missing index/fk in the schema, not about the ability to pull the related model? Are you migrating with gorm? You need to consult
@Devon yes, am do a migration.Jeffrey
you can try db.Exec("....") for create foreign keyPonce


from gorm 2.0 this is no longer necessary, read more here:

The solution is to add this line when migrating the database:

db.Model(&models.UserInfo{}).AddForeignKey("u_id", "t_user(id)", "RESTRICT", "RESTRICT")

migration (gorm documentation)

Jeffrey answered 27/10, 2018 at 9:22 Comment(3)
Thanks for your response !Apotheosize
As of gorm 2.0 this is no longer necessary. Follow
@Wentzel what if I can't add gorm tags to fields as my models are auto-generated from graphql schema using gqlgen? I can no longer add relations via code?Grappling

I found the following code correctly created the foreign key without having to do any custom migration code; just the usual AutoMigrate.

type Account struct {
    ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`

type Transaction struct {
    ID        uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
    AccountID uint
    Account   Account `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`

I am using "Gorm 2.0" which is a dependency of v1.23.3.

Wentzel answered 30/3, 2022 at 3:1 Comment(0)

For recent release of Gorm i.e. 1.21.xIf you have a one to one mapping of fields and not have parent to child mapping, here is what you will do

type BaseConfig struct {
    ID         uuid.UUID       `gorm:"primary_key" json:"id"`

type Ledger struct { 
    BaseConfigId        uuid.UUID       `json:"base_config_id"`
    BaseConfig BaseConfig               `gorm:"column:base_config_id;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:SET NULL;"`


In Migration script you will need to follow as per docs

WriteClient.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&models.BaseConfig{}, "Ledgers")
WriteClient.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&models.BaseConfig{}, "fk_base_configs_id")

I feel the tripping point is the missing documentation for how to associate. Some juggling around could be there to figure it out, so hope my answer saves some time.

Servia answered 28/8, 2021 at 7:45 Comment(0)

In our case we needed full flexibility in terms of column/field names, as we were migrating an existing database originally made by SQLAlchemy. Not using the names that Gorm expects results in foreign keys not being made.

Using Gorm 2.0 which for some reason still has v1 tags ( v1.25.1), the trick is to use foreignkey (must point to the local field) and references (most point to the remote field in the foreign table) annotations correctly for totally arbitrary names:

type Other struct {
    OtherId int32 `gorm:"primarykey; column:custom_col_other_id"`

type Main struct {
    MainId    int32 `gorm:"primarykey; column:custom_col_main_id"`
    FkOtherId int32 `gorm:"column:custom_col_fk_other_id"`
    OtherRef  Other `gorm:"foreignkey:FkOtherId;references:OtherId"`



This results in the correct foreign key relation:

                                        Table "public.others"
       Column        |  Type   | Collation | Nullable |                       Default                       
 custom_col_other_id | integer |           | not null | nextval('others_custom_col_other_id_seq'::regclass)
    "others_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (custom_col_other_id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "mains" CONSTRAINT "fk_mains_other_ref" FOREIGN KEY (custom_col_fk_other_id) REFERENCES others(custom_col_other_id)"

                                            Table "public.mains"
         Column         |  Type   | Collation | Nullable |                      Default                      
 custom_col_main_id     | integer |           | not null | nextval('mains_custom_col_main_id_seq'::regclass)
 custom_col_fk_other_id | integer |           |          | 
    "mains_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (custom_col_main_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "fk_mains_other_ref" FOREIGN KEY (custom_col_fk_other_id) REFERENCES others(custom_col_other_id)
Aweinspiring answered 23/6, 2023 at 9:14 Comment(0)

Read about the belongs to relationship in Also, there's a good example here:

// User is the model for the user table.
type User struct {
 SomeFlag bool    `gorm:"column:some_flag;not null;default:true"`
 Profile  Profile
}// Profile is the model for the profile table.
type Profile struct {
 Name   string    `gorm:"column:name;size:128;not null;"`
 UserID uuid.UUID `gorm:"type:uuid;column:user_foreign_key;not null;"`
Laellaertes answered 9/11, 2020 at 9:21 Comment(0)

We can add foreign key constraints in the latest version using CreateConstraint.

Example: Suppose we have two entity

type User struct {
  CreditCards []CreditCard

type CreditCard struct {
  Number string
  UserID uint

Now create database foreign key for user & credit_cards

db.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&User{}, "CreditCards")
db.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&User{}, "fk_users_credit_cards")

which translates to the following SQL code for Postgres:

ALTER TABLE `credit_cards` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_users_credit_cards` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users`(`id`)


Regional answered 17/7, 2021 at 9:8 Comment(0)

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