I using dot and Graphviz in doxygen to create a user manual of my code in HTML. The doxygen code looks somewhat like this:
*@addtogroup MainProgram
* @dot
* digraph G {
* Main [label = "Main()"];
* START [label = "Start"];
* FINISH [label = "Finish"];
* START -> Main;
* Main -> FINISH;
* }
* @enddot
This of course generates a nice picture. Unfortunately, the picture is not displayed the way I want it in the HTML page. It is always centered on page. I want the alignment to be on the left side of the page. The generated HTML code looks like:
<div align="center">
<img src="inline_dotgraph_2.dot.gif" alt="inline_dotgraph_2.dot" border="0" usemap="#inline_dotgraph_2.dot.map">
<map name="inline_dotgraph_2.dot.map" id="inline_dotgraph_2.dot.map"></map>
Can anyone help me? It's either a doxygen problem or a graphiz/dot problem. I can't seem to find the answer.
<dev align="center">
element - therefore the mentioned solution doesn't work. – Rifkin