I'm trying to install octave 3.8.1 on a cluster running Redhat+IBM LSF. I don't have write access to any directory except my home dir. I have loaded three modules 1) pcre 8.33 2) blas 08/2013 3) lapack 3.5.0. But when I run ./configure, I got the error "configure: error: A BLAS library was detected but found incompatible with your Fortran 77 compiler settings.", as the image below shows.
I have tried loading module gfortran64 and add F77=gfortran
as command line parameter, but this doesn't work. Could you please help me with this problem? If you need any information please tell me in this webpage. Thank you.
ldd /path/to/libblas.so
to see what compiler it was linked against. To find the library, you can typelocate libblas.so
. – Cramptonmodule show blas/08_2013
to get more information on what shell environment variables are being set. Print the output here if possible. – Crampton