I have a foreign table, for example:
id varchar(40) NOT NULL,
title varchar(40) NOT NULL,
did integer NOT NULL,
date_prod date,
kind varchar(10),
len interval hour to minute
SERVER film_server;
with id as the primary key for that table (set in the remote database). I would like to have a local table reference the foreign table, and set a foreign key constraint on the local table -- for example:
id varchar(40) NOT NULL,
name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
film_id varchar(40) NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE actor ADD CONSTRAINT actor_film_fkey FOREIGN KEY (film_id)
REFERENCES film(id);
However, when I try to add the foreign key constraint, I get the error:
ERROR: referenced relation "film" is not a table
Is it possible to add a foreign key constraint to a foreign table?
CREATE SERVER film_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (dbname 'remote_db', host 'example.com');
which links the local db to the remote db -- However, I'm not sure if this is sufficient for what I'm asking – Pantheism