What is the best way (most secure and easiest) to authenticate a user for a server side route?
I'm using the latest Iron Router 1.* and Meteor 1.* and to begin, I'm just using accounts-password.
Reference code
I have a simple server side route that renders a pdf to the screen:
Router.route('/pdf-server', function() {
var filePath = process.env.PWD + "/server/.files/users/test.pdf";
var fs = Npm.require('fs');
var data = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
}, {where: 'server'});
As an example, I'd like to do something close to what this SO answer suggested:
On the server:
var Secrets = new Meteor.Collection("secrets");
getSecretKey: function () {
if (!this.userId)
// check if the user has privileges
throw Meteor.Error(403);
return Secrets.insert({_id: Random.id(), user: this.userId});
And then in client code:
'click button[name=get-pdf]': function () {
Meteor.call("getSecretKey", function (error, response) {
if (error) throw error;
if (response)
But even if I somehow got this method working, I'd still be vulnerable to users just putting in a URL like '/pdf-server' unless the route itself somehow checked the Secrets collection right?
In the Route, I could get the request, and somehow get the header information?
Router.route('/pdf-server', function() {
var req = this.request;
var res = this.response;
}, {where: 'server'});
And from the client pass a token over the HTTP header, and then in the route check if the token is good from the Collection?