I'm using Fluent NHibernate, and auto-mapping the classes.
I have a computed property in a class along the lines of
public virtual DateTime? LastActionTimeStamp
get {
return Actions.Count == 0 ? null : Actions.OrderByDescending(
a => a.TimeStamp).ElementAt(0).TimeStamp;
This wasn't mapped with the rest of the properties, so I couldn't use it in an ICriteria restriction. I added an empty setter (as I read somewhere that doing so would include it in the mapping, which it does), but now I'm getting an NHibernate error:
could not execute query ... Invalid column name 'LastActionTimeStamp'.
So my question is: how do I tell Fluent NHibernate to tell NHibernate to ignore the database for this property, but still return the calculated value from the property get?