The new rules @use
and the remove from @import
are indeed a really big impact to SASS. It leads to a complete new form to write sass. A try to make an easy explanation for the beginning to use the new technique:
(1) @use
works similar to @import
. It adds the code from a (config- or partial-)file or a module to your stylesheet.
(2) The difference is: SASS changes the scope of variables/mixins/functions from global (all imported files = one scope) to local files (variables are only valid in the actual file). If you need to use variables/mixins/functions from another (config- or partial-)file you need to 'include' them to the actual file first.
That means for your project(*):
//file ###> _config.scss
$columnWidth: 50%;
$projectColors: (
primary: red,
secondary: blue,
//file ###> _functions.scss
@use 'config' as * // --> to use config vars (here: without namespace)
@function getColor( $name ){
$color: map-get($projectColors, $name);
@return $color;
//file ###> _partial.scss
@use 'config' as * // --> use config vars (here: without namespace)
@use 'functions' as * // --> use functions (here: without namespace)
.class {
width: $width;
color: getColor( primary );
//file ###> myStylesheet.scss
// no need to @use 'config' or 'functions'
// as they are not direct needed in this file
@use 'partial' //--> write the css
( * ) Including files without using a namespace is a special case to make the example more easy. Normaly you will include variables/mixins/functions to a separated namespace and call them by namespace.$variable
or namespace.mixin
. And there are techniques to move special settings to a @used
file as well so you can move variable settings to the project. Please have a look to official and excelent description:
(1) As it is heavily discussed: Yes. This is INDEED the intended new way to work with SASS. (
(2) Very interesting: The actual brandnew version from Bootstrap has moved to the new Sass Version. But as I have seen Bootstrap does not use that new feature @use
and still works with @import
. That may have reasons ... and it seems not to easy to change the technique.
(3) Also it seems to be a little bit complicated there are some advantages comming with that new technique. Using separate namespaces make it much mor easier to work with external modules without causing name conflicts.