I am able to create multiple rows if they contain the same number of columns:
table = new PdfPTable(3);
var firstRowCell1 = new PdfPCell( new Phrase ("Row 1 - Column 1"));
var firstRowCell2 = new PdfPCell( new Phrase ("Row 2 - Column 2"));
var firstRowCell3 = new PdfPCell( new Phrase ("Row 3 - Column 3"));
PdfPCell[] row1Cells = { firstRowCell1, firstLineRow2, firstRowCell3 };
var row1 = new PdfPRow(row1Cells);
var nextRowCell1 = new PdfPCell( new Phrase ("Row 2 - Column 1"));
var nextRowCell2 = new PdfPCell( new Phrase ("Row 2 - Column 2"));
var nextRowCell3 = new PdfPCell( new Phrase ("Row 2 - Column 3"));
PdfPCell[] row2Cells = { nextRowCell1, nextRowCell2, nextRowCell3 };
var row2 = new PdfPRow(row2Cells);
This works fine giving me two rows each with three columns.
However if I want the first row to just have one long column using Colspan it disappears:
var table = new PdfPTable(3);
var firstRowCell1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Row 1 - Column 1"));
firstRowCell1.Colspan = 3;
PdfPCell[] row1Cells = { firstRowCell1 };
var row1 = new PdfPRow(row1Cells);
var nextRowCell1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Row 2 - Column 1"));
var nextRowCell2 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Row 2 - Column 2"));
var nextRowCell3 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Row 2 - Column 3"));
PdfPCell[] row2Cells = { nextRowCell1, nextRowCell2, nextRowCell3 };
var row2 = new PdfPRow(row2Cells);
There are no errors given it just simply does not render.
Additionally, I am aware of table.AddCell which automatically starts a new row when the table column limit is reached for the current row. However, I want to use PdfPRow if at all possible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.