I have a program that keeps writing to a file every second. File writing is happening in a thread parallel to the UI. Due to some hardware issue it stops writing sometimes of a day. I wanted to check if the file stopped writing, restart the program if it is not getting updated. I wanted to check the file's timestamp and see if it is not getting updated(and did not want to get to watchdog etc. coz I just needed if a file stopped writing.)
if time.time()>(os.stat(filename).st_mtime+2):
raise ValueError("Yikes! Spike")
except ValueError:
with open('errors.log','a') as log:
log.write('Spike occured at '+ time.strftime(
"%H:%M:%S")+' on '+datetime.date.today().strftime('%d/%m/%Y')+'\n')
This block runs every second. But this backfired and when the app closes for restarting it keeps closing every second and doesn't start again. I get the exception message logged every second. I tried increasing the time difference but that didn't help.
Next I tried
ftimestamp = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
if os.stat(filename).st_mtime>=ftimestamp:
ftimestamp = time.time()
print "ftimestamp updated and all is well"
ftimestamp = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
raise ValueError("Yikes! Spike!")
print "file time is behind"
except ValueError:
with open('errors.log','a') as log:
log.write('Spike occured at '+ time.strftime(
"%H:%M:%S")+' on '+datetime.date.today().strftime('%d/%m/%Y')+'\n')
I tried updating the variable "ftimestamp" to current time "time.time()" because the next comparison happens only after one second and I want the file time to be higher than the previous time comparison. (The block runs every second through wx.CallLater function).
My program fails still... and I am not able to understand where I am going wrong... Someone please help! Or is there a way of simply checking if the file stopped writing?
with signal 0 for this. – Euphorbia