Since, as Brian pointed out, F# unions have structural equality, this is easy using whichever unit testing framework you are fond of.
FsUnit is an F# specific library built on top of NUnit. My personal favorite F# specific unit testing library is Unquote, ;), which is framework agnostic, working very well with NUnit,, MbUnit, ... or even within FSI. You may be interested in this comparison with FsUnit.
So, how would you do this with NUnit + Unquote? Here's a full working example:
module UnitTests
open NUnit.Framework
open Swensen.Unquote
type AST =
| Variable of string
| Class of string
| Number of int
let mockFParsec_parseVariable input = Variable(input)
let ``test variable parse, passing example`` () =
test <@ mockFParsec_parseVariable "x" = Variable("x") @>
let ``test variable parse, failing example`` () =
test <@ mockFParsec_parseVariable "y" = Variable("x") @>
Then running the tests using TestDriven.NET, the output is as follows:
------ Test started: Assembly: xxx.exe ------
Test 'UnitTests.test variable parse, failing example' failed:
UnitTests.mockFParsec_parseVariable "y" = Variable("x")
Variable "y" = Variable("x")
C:\xxx\UnitTests.fs(19,0): at UnitTests.test variable parse, failing example()
1 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, took 0.80 seconds (NUnit 2.5.10).
does the right thing, comparing the entire structure/value.) – Raybourne