I'm working on a web app that receives data from an API provider. Now I need a way to cache the data to save from calling the provider again for the same data.
Then I stumbled on Redis which seems to serve my purpose but I'm not 100% clear about the concept of caching using Redis. I've checked their documentation but I don't really follow what they have to say.
Let's suppose I have just deployed my website to live and I have my first visitor called A. Since A is the first person that visits, my website will request a new set of data over API provider and after a couple seconds, the page will be loaded with the data that A wanted.
My website caches this data to Redis to serve future visitors that will hit the same page.
Now I have my second visitor B.
B hits the same page url as A did and because my website has this data stored in the cache, B is served from the cache and will experience much faster loading time than what A has experienced.
Is my understanding in line with with the concept of web caching?
I always thought of caching as per user basis so my interaction on a website has no influence or whatsoever to other people but Redis seems to work per application basis.