I've already spent two days trying to make a good work environment with VIM for a framework, in this case, laravel.
All is perfect as always, but there is a very important issue:
- I can't get omnicomplete properly working
I've tried all that I found via google:
-phpcomplete: despite in other of my projects works well, it seems that gets mad with composer. Doesn't recognize facades nor common methods for the framework.
-ctags: helps with some methods, but still a mess with omnicompletion.
-phpcomplete-extended and phpcomplete-extended for laravel: author doesn't maintain this plugin anymore (logical since frameworks change so quick) so does not work anymore.
-PIV, uses standart phpcomplete, so same issue.
-padawan.php I couldn't get it to work, IMHO poorly documented
Is there any vim user who could manage to get omnicompletion functionality properly? I'm starting to think I should move from vim since it's not ready for these new technologies :'(
Grep AppServiceProvider
against tags
AppServiceProvider app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php /^class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider$/;" c namespace:Furbook\Providers Furbook\Providers app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php /^namespace Furbook\Providers;$/;" n boot app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php /^ public function boot()$/;" f class:Furbook\Providers::AppServiceProvider register app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php /^ public function register()$/;" f class:Furbook\Providers::AppServiceProvider