I hope it is not too late but if you want to add/edit/delete metadata fields on MP4 files you can use JCodec's metadata editing classes.
There's a CLI tool backed by a java API. The CLI is in org.jcodec.movtool.MetadataEditorMain and the API is in org.jcodec.movtool.MetadataEditor.
Read more about it: http://jcodec.org/docs/working_with_mp4_metadata.html
So basically when you want to add some metadata you need to know what key(s) it corresponds to. One way to find out is to inspect a sample file that already has the metadata you need. For this you can run the JCodec's CLI tool that will just print out all the existing metadata fields (keys with values):
./metaedit <file.mp4>
Then when you know the key you want to work with you can either use the same CLI tool:
# Changes the author of the movie
./metaedit -f -si ©ART=New\ value file.mov
or the same thing via the Java API:
MetadataEditor mediaMeta = MetadataEditor.createFrom(new
Map<Integer, MetaValue> meta = mediaMeta.getItunesMeta();
meta.put(0xa9415254, MetaValue.createString("New value")); // fourcc for '©ART'
mediaMeta.save(false); // fast mode is off
To delete a metadata field from a file:
MetadataEditor mediaMeta = MetadataEditor.createFrom(new
Map<Integer, MetaValue> meta = mediaMeta.getItunesMeta();
meta.remove(0xa9415254); // removes the '©ART'
mediaMeta.save(false); // fast mode is off
To convert string to integer fourcc you can use something like:
byte[] bytes = "©ART".getBytes("iso8859-1");
int fourcc =
If you want to edit/delete the android metadata you'll need to use a different set of fucntion (because it's stored differently than iTunes metadata):
./metaedit -sk com.android.capture.fps,float=25.0 file.mp4
OR alternatively the same through the API:
MetadataEditor mediaMeta = MetadataEditor.createFrom(new
Map<String, MetaValue> meta = mediaMeta.getKeyedMeta();
meta.put("com.android.capture.fps", MetaValue.createFloat(25.));
mediaMeta.save(false); // fast mode is off