I have a production-stage app deployed on Heroku. I'd like to fork the app to make a staging environment.
heroku fork --from <app_name>-production --to <app_name>-staging
Forking <app_name>-production... done. Forked to <app_name>-staging
Setting buildpacks... done
Adding newrelic:wayne to <app_name>-staging as NEW_RELIC... done
Adding deployhooks:http to <app_name>-staging as DEPLOYHOOKS_HTTP... done
Adding heroku-postgresql:standard-yanari to <app_name>-staging as HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_MAROON...!
That add-on plan is only available to select users.
There was an error forking to <app_name>-staging.
I'm not sure if I need to update the postgresql database, or purchase some additional add-on through Heroku. Since I'm new and this is my employer's app, I'm reluctant to make any changes that might result in a loss of data. Thanks!