When you use a MongoDB text index, it generates a score for every matching document. This score indicates how strongly your search string matches the document. The higher the score more is the chances of resemblance to the searched text. The score is calculated by:
Step 1: Let the search text = S
Step 2: Break S into tokens (If you are not doing a Phrase search). Let's say T1, T2..Tn. Apply Stemming to each token
Step 3: For every search token, calculate score per index field of text index as follows:
score = (weight * data.freq * coeff * adjustment);
Where :
weight = user Defined Weight for any field. Default is 1 when no weight is specified
data.freq = how frequently the search token appeared in the text
coeff = (0.5 * data.count / numTokens) + 0.5
data.count = Number of matching token
numTokens = Total number of tokens in the text
adjustment = 1 (By default).If the search token is exactly equal to the document field then adjustment = 1.1
Step 4: Final score of document is calculated by adding all tokens scores per text index field
Total Score = score(T1) + score(T2) + .....score(Tn)
So as we can see above a score is influenced by the following factors:
- Number of Terms matching with the actual searched text, more the match more will be the score
- Number of tokens in the document field
- Whether the searched text exactly matches the document field or not
Following is the derivation for one of your document:
Search String = This sentence have nothing to do with any other
Document = Who is the “He” in this sentence?
Score Calculation:
Step 1: Tokenize search string.Apply Stemming and remove stop words.
Token 1: "sentence"
Token 2: "nothing"
Step 2: For every search token obtained in Step 1, do steps 3-11:
Step 3: Take Sample Document and Remove Stop Words
Input Document: Who is the “He” in this sentence?
Document after stop word removal: "sentence"
Step 4: Apply Stemming
Document in Step 3: "sentence"
After Stemming : "sentence"
Step 5: Calculate data.count per search token
data.count(sentence)= 1
data.count(nothing)= 1
Step 6: Calculate total number of token in document
numTokens = 1
Step 7: Calculate coefficient per search token
coeff = (0.5 * data.count / numTokens) + 0.5
coeff(sentence) = 0.5*(1/1) + 0.5 = 1.0
coeff(nothing) = 0.5*(1/1) + 0.5 = 1.0
Step 8: Calculate adjustment per search token (Adjustment is 1 by default. If the search text match exactly with the raw document only then adjustment = 1.1)
adjustment(sentence) = 1
adjustment(nothing) = 1
Step 9: weight of field (1 is default weight)
weight = 1
Step 10: Calculate frequency of search token in document (data.freq)
For ever ith occurrence, the data frequency = 1/(2^i). All occurrences are summed.
a. Data.freq(sentence)= 1/(2^0) = 1
b. Data.freq(nothing)= 0
Step 11: Calculate score per search token per field:
score = (weight * data.freq * coeff * adjustment);
score(sentence) = (1 * 1 * 1.0 * 1.0) = 1.0
score(nothing) = (1 * 0 * 1.0 * 1.0) = 0
Step 12: Add individual score for every token of search string to get total score
Total score = score(sentence) + score(nothing) = 1.0 + 0.0 = 1.0
In the same way, you can derive the other one.
For more detailed MongoDB analysis, check:
Mongo Scoring Algorithm Blog