I'm not able to authenticate the google cloud driver gcplogs
for Docker despite the fact that I've set the env var GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
to the path/file where the JSON credentials of my service account is. The error message is the following:
ERROR: for oncrm_oncrm_1 Cannot start service oncrm: failed to initialize logging driver: google.DefaultTokenSource: google: could not find default credentials. See https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/application-default-credentials for more information.
The configuration I'm using on docker-compose is:
driver: gcplogs
gcp-project: "gcloud-project-id"
gcp-meta-name: "prod-helpsec-01"
labels: "app"
The enviroment I'm trying to run the docker container is:
docker-ce v18.03
docker-compose v1.21.0
Ubuntu 17.10