This is my first time on this i hope somebody can understand my grammar and question. I have created 2 nodes using puppeth and choosing Clique for my private Ethereum. Both nodes are sealer (verify on both nodes using clique.getSigners()) and both can see each other as peer (verify using admin.peers). When I started to mine for both nodes using the code below, both nodes stuck at Signed recently, must wait for others
geth personal.unlockAccount(eth.coinbase)
geth eth.defaultAccount = eth.coinbase
geth miner.start()
Below are the steps for creating node 1 (already create genesis using puppeth)
- geth --datadir "folder" init "genesis.json"
- geth --datadir "folder” --networkid [Network provided] –nodiscover
- Separate console - geth attach ipc:\.\pipe\geth.ipc
- admin.addPeer(enode of node 2)
Below are the steps for creating node 2 (already create genesis using puppeth)
- geth --datadir "folder" init "genesis.json"
- geth --datadir "folder” --networkid [Network provided] –nodiscover
- Separate console - geth attach ipc:\.\pipe\geth.ipc
- get enode admin.nodeInfo.enode and use admin.addPeer in node 1
Check signers - clique.getSigners - both of the account appear
Check peers for both node - admin.peers - both are okay
Then both mine using below code
geth personal.unlockAccount(eth.coinbase)
geth eth.defaultAccount = eth.coinbase
geth miner.start()