Our intention is to filter the content based on location without requesting Location permission from the Android device,
In-order to meet this requirement, we have tried the following options and still its not reliable
- Telephony Manager
it wont work without a Sim card, again say if the user from USA travels india now the below snippets returns US not India
var telephonyManager = context?.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE) as TelephonyManager
val countryCodeValue = telephonyManager.networkCountryIso
- Locale
Locale returns US or UK by default even if they are in India, usually user's Locale would be in English by default
We doesn't want the Location permission to be requested
- Retrieving the Country details form the logged-in Google account
Reply from Google - They dont have any dedicated API to retrieve countryCode of an user Note: iOS has a dedicated API which tell the CountryCode of the user, but Android doesn't
- IP address
We tried to get the IP of the Android device (from several IP fusion websites), there are following two cases
- User connected to WiFi - we are able to get the countryCode (WIFI IP :
- User connected to Mobile Data - we are getting the wrong countryCode even we are in USA, it says that IP is from JAPAN (MOBILE NETWORK IP:
Note: Even Netflix determine the country during the launch, without requesting the Location permission
. You can give it a try if you already haven't . – Pomade