I am developing an emacs major mode for a language (aka mydsl). However, using the techniques on xahlee's site doesn't seem to be working for some reason (possibly older emacs dialect..)
The key issues I am fighting with are (1) highlighting comments is not working and (2), the use of regexp-opt
lines is not working.
I've reviewed the GNU manual and looked over cc-mode and elisp mode... those are significantly more complicated than I need.
;;;Standard # to newline comment
;;;Eventually should also have %% to %% multiline block comments
(defun mydsl-comment-dwim (arg)
"comment or uncomment"
(interactive "*P")
(require 'newcomment)
((deactivate-mark nil)
(comment-start "#")
(comment-end "")
comment-dwim arg)))
(defvar mydsl-events
(defvar mydsl-keywords
'("other-keyword" "another-keyword"))
;;Highlight various elements
(setq mydsl-hilite
; stuff between "
("\"\\.\\*\\?" . font-lock-string-face)
; : , ; { } => @ $ = are all special elements
(":\\|,\\|;\\|{\\|}\\|=>\\|@\\|$\\|=" . font-lock-keyword-face)
( ,(regexp-opt mydsl-keywords 'words) . font-lock-builtin-face)
( ,(regexp-opt mydsl-events 'words) . font-lock-constant-face)
(defvar mydsl-tab-width nil "Width of a tab for MYDSL mode")
(define-derived-mode mydsl-mode fundamental-mode
"MYDSL mode is a major mode for editing MYDSL files"
;Recommended by manual
(setq mode-name "MYDSL script")
(setq font-lock-defaults '((mydsl-hilite)))
(if (null mydsl-tab-width)
(setq tab-width mydsl-tab-width)
(setq tab-width default-tab-width)
;Comment definitions
(define-key mydsl-mode-map [remap comment-dwim] 'mydsl-comment-dwim)
(modify-syntax-entry ?# "< b" mydsl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" mydsl-mode-syntax-table)
;;A gnu-correct program will have some sort of hook call here.
(provide 'mydsl-mode)
is the wrong way to go about customizingcomment
's behavior. Similarly, on Xah's page I quickly found awrap-markup
definition which (though functional) breaks the convention of taking arguments and using(interactive "r")
to pass in the region. – Jehiel