I am finding that, for my purposes, XML namespaces are simply causing much headache and are completely unnecessary. (For example, how they complicate xpath.)
Is there a simple way to remove namespaces entirely from an XML document?
(There is a related question, but it deals with removing namespace prefixes on tags, rather than namespace declarations from the document root: "Easy way to drop XML namespaces with javascript".)
Edit: Samples and more detail below:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<main xmlns="example.com">
function useHttpResponse()
if (http.readyState == 4)
if(http.status == 200)
var xml = http.responseXML;
var evalue = getXMLValueByPath('/main/secondary/enabled', xml);
function getXMLValueByPath(nodepath, xml)
var result = xml.evaluate(nodepath, xml, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null).stringValue;
return result;
The sample XML is just like the actual one I am working with, albeit much shorter. Notice that there are no prefixes on the tags for the namespace. I assume this is the null or default namespace.
The JavaScript is a snippet from my ajax functions. If I remove the xmlns="example.com"
portion from the main
tag, I am able to successfully get the value. As long as any namespace is present, the value becomes undefined.
Edit 2:
It may be worth mentioning that none of the declared namespaces are actually used in the XML tags (like the sample above). In the actual XML file I am working with, three namespaces are declared, but no tags are prefixed with a namespace reference. Thus, perhaps the question should be re-titled, "How to remove unused XML namespaces using Javascript?" I do not see the reason to retain a namespace if it is 1) never used and 2) complicating an otherwise simple path to a node using xpath.
) though, by asking me this question, I believe I now understand that all child elements of the outermost element inherit its namespace even without explicitly refering to it by prefix. Still, it eludes me, of what use is a single namespace? If two or more are present, the ability to categorize elements is beneficial. Perhaps I will pose that as a separate question, but first - apparently I must read up more on XML! Thanks for your help. – Basidium