I'm working with Eclipse and Maven and run my application using the Maven jetty plugin.
I find it mildly irritating that Maven insists on recompiling my files every time I execute jetty:run. It is sub-optimal, as the files have already been compiled by Eclipse (and I'm writing Scala which has a (relatively) slow compiler).
I'm using profiles, and run mvn jetty:run under my 'development' profile.
What I want to do is:
Configure the jetty plugin so that it skips the compilation phase whilst running under the development profile.
I've looked into maven lifecycle documentation but haven't found any information about a 'skip.compile' flag or configuration parameter.
I've also tried configuring Maven like so in the vain assumption that it would stop the recompile upon maven-jetty-plugin startup.
I was wrong, it did not work. But what I have thought is, perhaps the Scala compiler is the problem. Perhaps it ignores the compile stuff.
development maven-compiler-plugin default-testCompile test-compile default-compile compile 1.6 1.6 false org.mortbay.jetty jetty-maven-plugin 7.2.2.v20101205 true development
I'm going to try specifically disabling scala compilation