I am trying to cabal install yesod
on my Windows machine. I have a relatively fresh install of the Haskell Platform. The cabal install failed, reporting that I need the sqlite3 C library in order to install "persistent", a package which Yesod relies upon.
cabal: Missing dependency on a foreign library: * Missing C library: sqlite3
So I went to http://www.sqlite.org/download.html and grabbed both the C source and the precompiled binary. I tried using both, to no avail:
cabal install persistent --extra-lib-dirs=C:\Path\To\C\Source\Files
cabal install persistent --extra-lib-dirs=C:\Path\To\Binary
In both cases, I got the same result: it didn't work. :( What can I do to give cabal the C library it needs? (sqlite3 in this case)