I have been having some problems with my openGL application running out of memory and I am trying to track down my problem. To this end, I created a small test program that basically just loads a giant texture from a file calls glDeleteTextures and then loads it again, if I run this test program on OSX this process can run for hundreds of iterations with no problems (the most I ran it for was 1024 and this had no problems) but after about 14 iterations on windows I get a GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY error. The texture I am loading over and over is a huge sky dome (4096 x 1024 and 4.9MB).
Here is the code I am running with comments for the non lisp inclined:
Test Program:
(with-glcontext (shared-opengl-view)
;;loop 1024 times
(dotimes (i 1024)
;; create a texture and return its texture name
(let ((texture (create-texture-from-file (truename "lui:resources;sky domes;DarkClouds.png"))))
;;Allocate two bytes to pass to glDeleteTextures
(ccl::rlet ((&texName :long))
;; put the texture string into our allocated bytes
(setf (ccl::%get-long &texName) texture)
;; Delete the textures?
(glDeleteTextures 1 &texName)))))
Create-texture-from-file (most of this method is made up of openGL calls so I think most openGL people should have a reasonable understanding of what's happening here but I can clarify anything thats confusing):
(defun CREATE-TEXTURE-FROM-FILE (Filename &key Verbose (Build-Mipmaps t) Repeat (Mag-Filter *Default-OpenGL-Texture-Magnification-Filter*) Forced-Depth) "
in: Filename {string},
&key Verbose {boolean}, Repeat
out: OpenGL-Texture-Name {int}, width, height, depth
Load the <Filename> texture inside the texture directory.
- Ideal file should be 32 bit ARGB compatible, e.g., .png with mask or 24 bit RGB
- 8 bit and 16 bit image will work too
- Image size must be 2^n x 2^m, at least 64 x 64
- This function must be called with active AGL context, e.g., inside OpenGL-Window INIT method."
(declare (ftype function create-image-from-file))
(rlet ((&texName :long))
(multiple-value-bind (&Image Width Height Depth) (create-image-from-file Filename :verbose Verbose :flip-vertical t :forced-depth Forced-Depth)
(unless &Image (return-from create-texture-from-file nil))
(glPixelStorei GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH Width) ; Set proper unpacking row length for image
(glPixelStorei GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT 1) ; Set byte aligned unpacking (needed for 3-byte-per-pixel image)
(glGenTextures 1 &texName)
; Specify the texture's properties.
(glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D (%get-long &texName))
(glTexParameteri gl_texture_2d gl_texture_mag_filter Mag-Filter) ;; make textures look smooth (can be costly)
;; Mipmaps: make texture look good at different sizes
(if Build-Mipmaps
;; Experimental: anisotropic filtering to make textures less blurry at angle
#-:cocotron (glTexParameterf GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT 16.0)
(let ((PixelFormat (ecase Depth (32 GL_RGBA) (24 GL_RGB)))
(InternalFormat (ecase Depth (32 GL_RGBA8) (24 GL_RGB8))))
(glTexImage2D GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 InternalFormat width height 0 PixelFormat GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE &Image)
(when Build-Mipmaps
(when Verbose (format t "~%Building Mipmaps~%"))
;; The calls to gluBuild2DMipmaps will return GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY when we run out.
(zerop (print (gluBuild2DMipmaps GL_TEXTURE_2D InternalFormat width height PixelFormat GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE &Image)))
(print (get-opengl-error))
(error "could not create mipmaps"))
(when Verbose (format t "Completed Mipmaps~%"))))
;; OpenGL should have copied now the image data into texture memory: release
(dispose-vector &Image)
;; return the texture handle and image dimensions
(%get-long &texName)
I have read elsewhere the glDeleteTextures does not completely dealocate all resources but none of these posts offered any alternative or solutions. Is there no such solution?